Escape from Purgatory




Escape from Purgatory is a 2D dungeon crawler that was my freshman final project at NHTI (New Hampshire’s Technical Institute), it was also my first group project that I have been a part of in my collage career. During the production of this project, I learned a lot of valuable teamwork skills that I still carry with me to this day. This was also my first team project my team and I worked on remotely using GitHub Desktop.

My role for this project was level design, programming, and particle effects. For the level design I was tasked with drafting and building out a map in unity that flowed well and provided seamless player movement. I also was tasked with designing and balancing the gameplay elements for example: player health, players damage, mob health, mob damage, etc. On the programming side of things I programmed how and where the mobs spawn through randomly selecting mobs to spawn as the player enters the room. Finally I designed some simple particle effects for the lava and fire balls in Escape from Purgatory. Particle systems peaked my interest very early in my college career and it is something I really enjoy doing.




Escape from Purgatory was a great learning experience and really helped build my teamwork capabilities as well as my knowledge of how Unity 2D works. This was my first big project and having to work remotely was a huge hurdle to leap but as a team we adapted and overcame that obstacle. This was also my first attempt at level design and it peaked my interest as a potential career path for me in the gaming industry.